Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Iran Posturing Again as They Move the World Closer to War

It seems that the IAEA has given a report showing that Iran continues to enrich uranium to make nuclear weapons, and in that report it shows a tremendous amount of deception, hidden programs, and failure to outline the realities. Meanwhile, Iran is interfering in Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and several other nations which it simultaneously calls friend or foe depending on the time of day.

This type of international behavior is not helping anyone, especially Iran. Indeed, when Iran's public leader Ahmadinejad stands up in front of the UN and gives a one-hour speech of hatred and excuses towards Israel and the United States for his behavior, it does in fact send a stark message to the world that Iran has no intention of preventing war, or maintaining peace. Each time there is a problem in Iran, regardless of the reason, they blame it on the West.

There was an interesting article on this topic recently on in SpaceWar Online News titled "Iran to Stage Missile Wargames Immediately" by Staff Writers in Tehran and published on June 26, 2011.

"Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards are to launch military exercises on Monday with the firing of different range ballistic missiles, the state news agency IRNA reported. The exercises, codenamed Great Prophet-6, are to start on Monday, said a Guards commander, General Ami Ali Hadjizadeh, quoted by IRNA, without specifying how long the manoeuvres will last - "short-, medium- and long-range missiles will be fired, especially the Khalij-Fars, Sejil, Fateh, Ghiam, and Shahab-1 and -2 missiles," he said."

Now then, is this move from Iran in response to the USA putting a Patriot Missile Battery Anti-Missile Shield in the UAE? Raytheon has just completed those tests. We've seen Iranian warships sail into the Mediterranean as NATO was setting up the no-fly zone for Libya. We've seen Iran attempt to break Israeli maritime blockades, and threatened to blow Israel off the map. It seems that every time we turn around Iran is posturing again as it moves the world closer to war.

As if this was not enough Iran and North Korea are sharing nuclear and missile technologies, and Iran is also sharing various military technologies of an unknown kind with Venezuela. If Iran is bringing weaponry into Iraq to destabilize the country, and kill US troops, as well as bringing weapons into Afghanistan to help the Taliban against NATO and US forces, then in fact Iran is already at war with the West, and many nations.

At some point this behavior has to stop, otherwise there will be no choice. It appears to me that we are at that point now. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6385328

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