Sunday, September 25, 2011

Raptor F-22 Jet Fighters To Deploy To Kadena Japan

Langley Air Force Base, Virginia-  There are plans now to send twelve of the F-22 Raptor Jet fighters stationed in Virginia to be deployed in Japan, for the second overseas deployment of the Aircraft. Six Members of the 27th Fighter Squadron left on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 with the other six set to leave the next day. They will stop at Hickam Air Base in Hawaii for fuel, and then will proceed to their new deployment home in Kadena, Japan. Nearly 275 airmen and support units will be accompanying the twelve jets to their new three moth deployment. “This is a U.S. Pacific Command Theater support security deployment to help bolster security in the Western Pacific,” said Major Sam Highley. “These are the way we show our commitment and that of the United States to keep the Pacific Theater safe and fulfill our security responsibilities.”  Said Major Highley. The last deployment of these Raptors in February 2007 there was some issues with the jets GPS systems, and they had to return to Hickam Air Base in Hawaii and were faced with about a five day delay. That problem has since been rectified and will not be an issue this time.


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