Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pentagon weapons buyer quietly visits California to discuss bomber planes

Ashton Carter meets with Northrop, Boeing and Lockheed executives about the military's plans to build a fleet of radar-evading, long-range bombers.


Deep in the Mojave Desert, surrounded by tiers of barbed-wire fence, the nation's largest defense contractors work in secrecy designing and building the latest military aircraft at Air Force Plant 42.

The military's top weapons buyer quietly visited the Palmdale facility this month to talk with leading aerospace executives about plans to build a fleet of radar-evading bombers that the military hopes to have ready for action by the mid-2020s.

By W.J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times
Source link :http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/22/business/la-fi-new-bomber-20110522

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