Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The US Has and Will Have the Most Superior Air Force Known to Mankind - Always!

The other day, I was listening to a cable news pundit that was talking about the decline of the United States, as if it was inevitable, as if we'd be overtaken by China and left in the dust. He was speaking as if there wouldn't be two Super Powers at that point, but rather one; China. Well, it's not going to happen like that. Secondly, the EU in a way is a Super Power almost. So, you could say there would be three at that juncture, if the EU stays together and doesn't experience economic collapse.

And speaking of economics, China as somewhat come to a "Y" in the road and they are going to have to make some choices now, and yes, the US does need to balance its books and live more within its means but it still has a GDP 3 times larger than number 2 China, and even more than the entire EU combined. So, it's not even relevant yet. Lastly, our military might is downright scary from the perspective of anyone wishing to challenge us, or the peace, or the free nations of the world you see.

There was an interesting article recently in Government Executive Online titled; "The Pentagon Moves on the New Long-Range Bomber" (article originally came from Global Security Newswire) on May 23, 2011. There was also a nice piece on this in the LA Times the day before. Anyway, here is the essence of the article;

"The Pentagon would like to see the new fleet of nuclear-capable bombers in place no later than the middle of the next decade. It would number between 80 to 100 aircraft that could be flown remotely or by a human pilot. The youngest long-range bombers in the current U.S. nuclear arsenal are more than 10 years old (B-2). The USAF has 20 B-2 bombers, 66 B-1 bombers manufactured in the 1980s, and 85 B-52 bombers that date to the 1960s and have been refurbished."

So, if you've ever wondered what comes next, well, consider that the Black Project Budget is 10s of billions of dollars, so, they've had some 10-15 years working on this next generation of aircraft. Thus, the technology will blow your mind, and now that it is available the Pentagon wants it, and so they shall, with the job of protecting the American People from any and all foreign threats. Don't worry about America my friends, we are doing fine. Please consider all this.

By Lance Winslow
Article Source:

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